Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Grey Knights Weapons

So I am BACK!!! Haven`t bloged stuff in the last 2 weeks but now I am back with a few updates :)
Here is the color setting of my Grey Knights Weapons. Have done a few changes to my coloring which are:
Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone, Boltgun Metal and Black Ink.
First i drybrushed with Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone and Boltgun Metal. Then I iked it with a 1:1 Black Ink/Water Mix which I then drybushed again with Boltgun Metal.

As you can see I used Black Ink instead of Blue Ink to give them a darker look.(The Blue look was too much Ultramarines like^^)

Next Update is coming soon :)

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