Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

What will be done?

So guys as you could see, there was long time no posts from me(A little rhyme to start)
Ok whats new now:
As you could see i did not finish the work with my Grey Knights Squad.
Why? Because, I had to think about doing an Inquisitorial Army instead of a whole Grey Knights Army.
I am going to buy myself Coteaz tomorrow and some Death Cult Assassins(I am going to us Dark Eldar Whyches and a lot of GreenStuff).
Whats happening with my Grey Knight Squad you might ask. As i have not put on the Weapons etc. I can still have all the options for them so I am going to make some nice Crusaders as Shields for my Assassins(actually I am working on them right now^^).
So hopefully the next Update is coming very  soon :)

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Bought New Stuff

So I went to the local store who sells Games Workshop Stuff and bought a few things. My Local Store has a special offer that if you buy Games Workshop stuff for more then 100€ you get 10% off so I bought a little more to come over 100€:)
Here`s a list of things I bought:

Grey Knights Codex
White Dwarf Issue 197
Grey Knights Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Black Primer
Green Stuff(didn`t` get 10% because its from army painter)
6 brushes(1 Fine Detail Brush, 2 Small Drybrushes and 3 Medium Drybrushes)
1 Seraphim Sepia 

Yes its not much but you easily get over 100€ (nobody said its a cheap hobby^^)

So thats it for now but stay tuned the next Update is coming soon :)

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Grey Knights Squad

And now here is finally the whole Squad with the new Black Ink Color Scheme
If you want to know witch Colors and Techniques I used just have a look at this article:

Here they are:

As you can see the Justiciars loincloth is still Blue because I wanted to paint it Blue anyway (I don`t know the exact name of it if there is even a special name for it^^).

So thats it for today but watch out even I don`t know how soon the next Update could  come xD !

Grey Knights Backpacks

With soon I really meant soon :) Here is the next Update on my Grey Knights. Finally I had enough time to finish their Backpacks. Still have to do all the details but hopefully with nothing going on at the University I will finish them in no time^^
As you can see the colors are the same as i used on the weapons. I used Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone, Boltgun Metal and Black Ink. If you want to see how I used those Techniques just have a look at this article :http://benjo3001.blogspot.com/2012/05/grey-knights-weapons.html

And here they are:

and now just wait for a few minutes and you will see how my Squad looks with Black Ink instead of Blue Ink!

Grey Knights Weapons

So I am BACK!!! Haven`t bloged stuff in the last 2 weeks but now I am back with a few updates :)
Here is the color setting of my Grey Knights Weapons. Have done a few changes to my coloring which are:
Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone, Boltgun Metal and Black Ink.
First i drybrushed with Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone and Boltgun Metal. Then I iked it with a 1:1 Black Ink/Water Mix which I then drybushed again with Boltgun Metal.

As you can see I used Black Ink instead of Blue Ink to give them a darker look.(The Blue look was too much Ultramarines like^^)

Next Update is coming soon :)