Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

What will be done?

So guys as you could see, there was long time no posts from me(A little rhyme to start)
Ok whats new now:
As you could see i did not finish the work with my Grey Knights Squad.
Why? Because, I had to think about doing an Inquisitorial Army instead of a whole Grey Knights Army.
I am going to buy myself Coteaz tomorrow and some Death Cult Assassins(I am going to us Dark Eldar Whyches and a lot of GreenStuff).
Whats happening with my Grey Knight Squad you might ask. As i have not put on the Weapons etc. I can still have all the options for them so I am going to make some nice Crusaders as Shields for my Assassins(actually I am working on them right now^^).
So hopefully the next Update is coming very  soon :)

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Bought New Stuff

So I went to the local store who sells Games Workshop Stuff and bought a few things. My Local Store has a special offer that if you buy Games Workshop stuff for more then 100€ you get 10% off so I bought a little more to come over 100€:)
Here`s a list of things I bought:

Grey Knights Codex
White Dwarf Issue 197
Grey Knights Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Black Primer
Green Stuff(didn`t` get 10% because its from army painter)
6 brushes(1 Fine Detail Brush, 2 Small Drybrushes and 3 Medium Drybrushes)
1 Seraphim Sepia 

Yes its not much but you easily get over 100€ (nobody said its a cheap hobby^^)

So thats it for now but stay tuned the next Update is coming soon :)

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Grey Knights Squad

And now here is finally the whole Squad with the new Black Ink Color Scheme
If you want to know witch Colors and Techniques I used just have a look at this article:

Here they are:

As you can see the Justiciars loincloth is still Blue because I wanted to paint it Blue anyway (I don`t know the exact name of it if there is even a special name for it^^).

So thats it for today but watch out even I don`t know how soon the next Update could  come xD !

Grey Knights Backpacks

With soon I really meant soon :) Here is the next Update on my Grey Knights. Finally I had enough time to finish their Backpacks. Still have to do all the details but hopefully with nothing going on at the University I will finish them in no time^^
As you can see the colors are the same as i used on the weapons. I used Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone, Boltgun Metal and Black Ink. If you want to see how I used those Techniques just have a look at this article :http://benjo3001.blogspot.com/2012/05/grey-knights-weapons.html

And here they are:

and now just wait for a few minutes and you will see how my Squad looks with Black Ink instead of Blue Ink!

Grey Knights Weapons

So I am BACK!!! Haven`t bloged stuff in the last 2 weeks but now I am back with a few updates :)
Here is the color setting of my Grey Knights Weapons. Have done a few changes to my coloring which are:
Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone, Boltgun Metal and Black Ink.
First i drybrushed with Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey, Dheneb Stone and Boltgun Metal. Then I iked it with a 1:1 Black Ink/Water Mix which I then drybushed again with Boltgun Metal.

As you can see I used Black Ink instead of Blue Ink to give them a darker look.(The Blue look was too much Ultramarines like^^)

Next Update is coming soon :)

Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Grey Knights Basic Colors

So here`s the next Update on my Grey Knights. I did the basic Coloring of them with a lot of dry brushing , inking and more drybrushing. As you could see in my last Entry`s I primed them black and did the bases in Red Colors. I wanted a Contrast to the Red so I thought a little bit of blue under the whole metallic parts would be nice. First I drybrushed with Codex Grey, Astronomican Grey and Dheneb Stone. Don`t do too much color in one layer(I made that mistake^^). Then I inked it with Blue Ink(It takes some time too dry so don`t hurry). As a last layer I drybrushed it with Boltgun Metal.  Now I am starting with highlighting and all the other details which you will see in my next Blog entry next week :)

Montag, 16. April 2012

Grey Knights Bases

So now that the Squad is primed i thought hey lets start with the Bases first and then do the Models(because i think Bases, also good ones, are really easy to make^^)
I used some standard paste glue and sand from Games Workshop. But the glue carefully on the Base and then spread the sand over it. Now let the Base dry. With white glue its easy because when its dry you don`t see any glue left :) Then you can paint the Base in any way you want. I wanted a Marsian or Titan like Base with much contrast to my Grey Knights so I used more Brown and Red  tones. I used Scorched Brown as a ground color. Then i brushed it with Vermin Brown. Now i used Scab Red for the edge of the Base and also brushed it with Scab Red. As a last coat i dry brushed it with Blood Red. I also wanted to do some quick Bases and with this technique the only thing that takes time is letting the paint dry :)

Sonntag, 15. April 2012

Grey Knights Assembled/Primed

So its been some time i now have assembled and primed my Grey Knights Squad. I build a normal Strique Squad. First I thought about doing some Purifers but then I thought hey its my first Squad; I haven`t painted in quite some time; lets do something a little less hard :) There they are:

Next Update is coming very soon!!!

Montag, 9. April 2012

Grey Knights

Hi I am finally back with a new entry. 3 Days ago i went to the Shop who is selling Warhammer stuff  at my hometown to buy some of the new Necrons. One of the Problems was that I had not enough Money to buy some black groundcoating and the miniatures so i decided(beacause they had 15% sale on grey knights and dark eldar) to buy some new Grey Knights. Pictures are coming soon(I am at my mom`s place and the PC there just won`t let me edit the pictures) 

Here are the pictures I promissed^^

Sonntag, 1. April 2012

First Post

this is my first post in which i wanted to give you a quick guide how to reuse your old/maybe dried paint.
As i haven`t painted in a long time my paint dried out a little bit(not  completely but enough to refresh it).

I used a pipette and some Q-tips(but any toothpick or piece of wood; really anything that is small and hard enough to stir the paint is good enough). Put some drops of water in the dried paint and stir with your  Q-tip/  toothpick etc.(I cut of one end of my Q-tips to have a end without cotton)  Don`t use too much water or you will get a ink(if you want ink use more water). Now close the lid of you color and shake it for a few seconds. Thats it!!! Your color is as good as new :)